We’ve all heard the saying, “It’s not the destination. It’s the journey.” What if you could savour both? These top five Similkameen lookouts await you. Whether you’re driving through the Rockies from points east or through the Cascades from points west, you’ll enjoy a beautiful journey and a welcoming destination when you travel to the » MORE
Some of the most spectacular hiking spots can be found in this oasis nestled in the Cascade Mountains. If you enjoy the great outdoors, there’s a great chance you’ll find a trail suited to your skill level and sense of adventure. Here are five of the best places to enjoy Similkameen trails: Top 5 Hiking » MORE
Do you enjoy taking frame-worthy photos on vacation? Sharing your travel adventures on Instagram? It can be fun to hang memories of your vacation on the wall when you get home…and for your followers to see new sights, get inspired, and learn a little something along the way. The Similkameen Valley is carpeted with photo-worthy » MORE