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South Similkameen Arts Society

South Similkameen Arts Society

The founding members decided they did not want to form a ”normal” arts council (all process and little laughter) and that’s one of the reasons the ”Art Society” was formed. It just sounded more friendly and welcoming. And lo and behold, almost everyone agreed and so the South Similkameen Arts Society came alive. And we are SSAS-y!

Over the past year we have succeeded in bringing together 63 souls from all walks of life and all ages from the surrounding areas in the Valley. We have artists and artisans and crafters of all types. No noses in the air around here! No one member is considered more professional or better than another. We are here to share and help each other with every type of creative endeavour under the sun. Painters? Yes, of course. But we also have quilters, carvers, musicians, actors, scrimshaw artists, writers, bakers, singers, and many more all working together to put forth many, many artistic products.

SSAS encourages those who want to give creativity a try but have never done so before. Like a recent member who had found her passion for acrylic painting but had no idea how to proceed or price out the cost of a mural she had been commissioned to paint. SSAS introduced her to another more experienced muralist. Share the joy! And how about those teens who want to become actors? The Elks Club has provided space for them to practice. Want to hear what’s going on in the Similkameen? Tune into KRadio – online weekly with news and music about the area. The Similkameen Writers meets every second week too!

Workshops and annual sales events are held to allow artists to pass over their ”babies” to buyers and by doing so, create additional joy and happiness for others. In the Events Section of this website you can find out when we are holding a sale or workshop event.

Everyone is welcome to join and become a SSAS-y member. At $20 per year it’s the deal of a lifetime and you don’t even have to live in the Valley! Snowbirds abound!

South Similkameen Arts Society
Arts Cafe: 529 3rd Avenue, Keremeos, BC V0X 1N2; Mail: PO Box 8, Keremeos, BC V0X 1N0
Operating Season
Year Round