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Roots & Vines Tour Co.

Taste and experience the Okanagan’s finest.

Our guided tours are built on insider knowledge of the region, the culinary sensibilities of a dyed-in-the-wool foodie, and a strong foundation of family values.

With so much that the Okanagan has to offer, the choices can be overwhelming, but we carefully crafted many tours to suit your particular tastes. With everyone, we provide front-row seats to a picturesque journey, full of memorable sights, sounds, and sensations.

We hope that YOU will experience genuine hospitality and feel a sense of being grafted into the local community.

Roots & Vines Tour Co.
Location Details

Drive to Similkameen Valley from Kelowna (1.5 hours), Penticton (30 minutes), Osoyoos (20 minutes), and surrounding areas. Contact us to arrange for pick up from your  location.

Operating Season
May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct